
of Dr. Steven L. Berg

Archive for the category “Article”

Labor Day

Over Labor Day weekend, I took some time off to spend with family.  I worked in the yard and we shaved one of the dogs–a several hour process.  Of course, that does not mean that I have done no work.  I read Glenn Sunshine’s poverty series again so that I will be prepared for tomorrow’s class.  I also finished “The Puerto Rican vs. the Old White Guy” which was published today in Etena Sacca-vajjena.

Facebook contacts also led me to several items I could also use in my classes–including the three below.

Bill Moyer’s Encore:  Confronting the Contradictions of America’s Past.
The first 20 minutes (approximately) would work in early American history and possibly in other classes where we are discussing truth.  I have been in e-mail contact with a student about this program and might ask him to teach it.

Misinformation, Fear and Hate in America
The first two minutes will work in HIST 151 where we are making connections to President Kennedy’s speech on religion.

Fraenkel, Carlos.  “In Praise of the Class of Cultures.”  New York Times. 2 September 2012.
A view of the value of looking at the class of cultures.  Good for discussions of truth and world view.

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